This is so inspiring! Like you I've had more or less a 30 year break since I last properly played an instrument - in my case the flute. I've been having a lot of struggles with my breathing the past few years (I've had asthma for years but getting Covid has seemed to permanently worsen it😳) and recently I thought, maybe playing my flute again would help? I got as far as digging out some old music and bought a pretty yellow music stand - but when I tried to play I was shocked how I couldn't remember even basic fingering for lots of the notes. But reading this has made me think I should devote the time to recovering that forgotten knowledge (sure it must still be in my brain somewhere) - there's such joy in just playing for the sheer enjoyment of it ❀️

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Thank you! I'm glad it has inspired you! I cannot emphasise enough just how little I could remember and how little I could play at first!! I am not joking about needing to google which strings a violin had... And I couldn't even play the simplest scale or arpeggio. But... it is coming back, slowly but surely.

My advice (not that you asked for it, and I am not an expert, so take this all with a big pinch of salt) is to think of yourself as a beginner again, go right back to basics and then, when you make faster progress than you might expect from an absolute beginner, feel pleased with that!

I am finding playing the violin (even the little I can play at the moment) so enjoyable and relaxing and FUN most of the time. Obviously there are times of frustration with it, but one good thing about being an adult and (re)learning something difficult is that you have a bigger perspective and more experience of learning things and knowing that this is all part of the process.

Sorry that Covid has made your asthma worse. You are not the only person I've heard that from... πŸ˜• I hope things improve, and I hope you give playing the flute another go. Good luck!!

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Jun 19Liked by Emma Reynolds

I wish I had found this out before I gave away my violin and other instruments to the city council music school for the pupils, although to be fair, they will be played much more there than by me at the current time!

Mind you, can't see Shirley Library allowing us a practice there either - may push the boundaries of what a 'new kind of library' is I feel.

Happy fiddling about!

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Ah, that is a shame, Louise! But, like you say, it is better the instruments are being played. It was kind of you to donate them. Perhaps this is something you can wander back to when the time is right?

*Makes mental note to bring violin to next Lost for Words, just for lols...*

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Jun 17Liked by Emma Reynolds

I loved this story and can really relate to this. Playing music, even if not well, is magical. A teacher has made all the difference to me.

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I'm glad you enjoyed it Neil! Playing music IS magical, I agree. I am looking forward to when having lessons is a possibility for me. I am going to add that the chance to play music with others (in a supportive environment, where all abilities and stages are welcomed) has made a huge difference to my playing, my enjoyment and my wellbeing.

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So pleased you've found joy in playing music and dancing and fiddling around! We definitely all need more of that!

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Don't we just! <3

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